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Rocket Recap: Progress Report – 4/29/2022

Happy Friday! We have some exciting things in the works and will be sharing more information with you all very soon.

Let’s review some of the key highlights from this past week:

  • Contract Updates – Cole and Thomas are working diligently to get the new contract up and running. Friendly reminder, once the contract upgrade goes live you will only have to add the new contract address to your wallet. We will take care of the rest for a frictionless, simple and easy transition!
  • Website Upgrades – You may see some changes within our website’s structure in the next week or two as we continue the migration process over onto the new website. We hope you will enjoy the changes as we continue to improve the design and easability of finding information.
  • NFT Updates – We are making good progress towards the NFTs and can’t wait to share more information with you very soon.
  • Community Events – We want to thank everyone for participating in our community events. If you have any ideas for other events and games, let us know and we can try to schedule them!

Thank you for riding with us #RocketCrew! Stay tuned to our socials for more updates!

– The Rocket Genesis Crew

"The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways.”

Robert Greene
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