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Rocket Recap: Progress Report – 07/10/2023

Game Development

Bug Fixes / Changes

– Added ability to remove/delete apparel items from characters.
– Server infrastructure migrated to a new solution.
– Fixed cinematic animations bugging when completing and leaving levels.


Updates & New Content

– Added a whole fleet of new mobs.
– Enemies now have resistance to certain elements.
– Players must now select which towers to bring into combat with a loadout system.
– Upgraded visuals on the first level.
– Added achievement page to track player milestones.
– Added enemy kill bonuses & boosts.
– Daily rewards system implemented in the solar system.


Completely overhauled and upgraded the second level, functionally and visually.






Daily Rewards System

Keep your eyes peeled for the valuable ore filled meteoroid that will fly through your solar system periodically.


Successful P2P Testing

Research & Development on the peer-to-peer mechanics being implemented in the ecosystem has been a primary focus for the team. We have been able to successfully perform an exchange in our development environment. In the last recap, we mentioned Thomas streaming the first official Genesis connection and throwing a wizard party in Discord, stay tuned!

Game Launcher

With the P2P test completed, we are blazing forward courageously on architecting, designing, and implementing the official game launcher. This will serve a dual purpose as a way to get the ALPHA/BETA versions of the Tower Defense game to testers and as a starting point for a more comprehensive gaming ecosystem to be developed.

Smart Contract

The contract upgrade has been upgraded on the priority list due to the broad regulatory concerns surrounding the Binance network. Please stay tuned as we will be running a set of polls surrounding the topic of migrating networks. If you have any input please join the Community Discord & join the discussion, we are comparing and contrasting the broad L1 crypto landscape to determine the best landing point for Rocket Genesis.

Partnership Update

We have acquired provisional approval for phase one of our partnership. There is a final third-party review pending on another financial body before go-live. We have submitted the requested materials to keep the process moving forward. We are nearly ready to bring this partnership to the community & could not be more excited!



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See you soon friends!


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"The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways.”

Robert Greene
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