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Rocket Recap: Progress Report – 02/10/2023

Clear for Takeoff!

Internal testing of the Rocket Genesis Tower Defense ALPHA begins.

It’s been an eventful couple of weeks for the Rocket Crew, let’s take a look!

Earlier this week we posted a gif to Twitter with a hidden asset from the game. Did you guess correctly? 

Rocket Genesis - It's another in-game weapon usable by your NFT character! 

It’s another in-game weapon usable by your NFT character! 



A few weeks back we referenced a possible integral partnership. Since then, both parties have taken action to start working together more closely. This is very exciting due to the nature of the partnership and the aggregate climate for Crypto inside the continental US. We will be working together to provide services for both the Rocket community and ultimately other projects in the space. There will be more details released as the plan comes to maturity. The team has been hard at work forging and developing this partnership behind the scenes to bring to the community.


NFT Updates

Mint site design & standard stack buildout (and a round of bug fixes) are complete, and our in-house crypto wizards @papacthulu and @0xCo1e started implementing the web3 connect & architecting the NFT’s ‘back end’ infrastructure. (Smart contract implementation, Asset Storage Solution, Metadata management, Etc.) It has been confirmed that users will be able to pay in both Crypto and/or Fiat to obtain an Apollo Access Pass. As discussed previously, it looks like an EIP-1155 implementation makes sense here & interoperability with the core Rocket Genesis contract is paramount.


Game Development

Alpha Testing, Networking & More Creatures!

The game has truly come so far, from just a concept it has transformed into a unique gaming experience. The progress is not showing any signs of slowing down. Extra kudos for everyone burning the midnight oil to make the game something we can all be proud of.


– Networking Overhaul: The game’s backend server has been migrated from Google (GCP) to Amazon (AWS), and user account registration and activation are working as expected.


– Alpha Testing Live: That’s right – the game builds and functions mostly as expected – testing is live! But don’t get too excited, this doesn’t mean you’ll be able to hop in and play just yet. This is an internal run being used to assist with the development and squash the first wave of bugs. We’ll let you know how it goes!


– More Creatures: The game universe where Apollo & Friend’s adventures take place is full of nasty monsters, machines, and more. We are constantly adding new foes for us to find together so don’t be shy, shout us out on Twitter with any inspiration for critters, mobs, and monsters!


Here is a behind-the-scenes snapshot from one of our game developers! 

Game Concept Art & First Draft in Blender

Concept Art & First Draft in Blender



This is just the beginning, there is more coming – Until next week!

Have a great weekend!

Thank you for riding with us #RocketCrew! Stay tuned to our socials for more updates!

"The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways.”

Robert Greene
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